纽约政府对夏令营暑期班学校的要求非常详细, 下面是一个检查的清单, 家长们在选择夏令营的时候一定要注意的哦。
New York Government requirement for Summer Camp
1. Is facility used to house camp safe, adequate in size for its use, clean, with watertight roof and sides? NYCHC 48.15(d)(1)
2. Is adequate surface drainage provided to allow for proper installation and operation of sewage disposal system and/or water system? NYCHC 48.15(e)
3. Is vermin or weed control adequate? Is refuse, agricultural, commercial, or household pesticides and toxic chemicals properly stored to prevent hazardous conditions? NYCHC 48.15(i)(1-4)
4. Are windows safely guarded in camp that houses children 10 years of age and under? NYCHC 48.15(d)(5)
5. Is toilet, privy, lavatory or shower in camp for developmentally disabled equipped with specialized fixtures, grab bars, controls? NYCHC 48.25(c)
6. Are toilets/urinals/lavatories adequate in number, properly located and maintain. NYCHC 48.15(g)
7. Are there no cross-connections in water supply, sewage system, pool water system which may contaminate water supply? Are food preparation/storage areas, areas accessible to children or employees free of sewage? NYSSC 7-2.1(b), 7-2.6
8. Is the water system serving camp within the acceptable contaminant levels? If required, is the treatment of the water system for disinfection or removal of contaminants continuous? Is potable (drinkable) water supply adequate and from an approved source? NYSSC 7-2.1(b), 7-2.6(a)
9. Are showers adequate in number, have adequate water pressure or maintenance, at the proper temperature? NYCHC 48.15(g)
10. Are water fountains properly maintained? NYCHC 48.19(e)
11. Is lighting or ventilation adequate? NYCHC 48.15(d)(2)
12. Are sleeping quarters properly constructed or maintained? Are floor to ceiling, bed to ceiling, or bed to bed clearances adequate and is the area sufficient? NYCHC 48.15(h)
13. Are sleeping quarters for non-ambulatory campers located only on the ground floor? NYCHC 48.25(g)(2)
14. Are stoves or other heat sources properly installed? Flammable materials (gasoline, kerosene, etc.) properly marked and stored? NYCHS48.15(a)4, (d)(4)
15. Are two means of egress (exit) provided for all assemblage areas? NYCHC 48.15(a)(14)
16. Are there an adequate number of exits provided as required? Are fire exits unobstructed and free of locking devices? NYCHC 48.15(a), (b)(12-14)
17. Is there a fire alarm system provided in a multi-story building used as sleeping quarters for 50 or more campers? NYCHC 48.15(a)(10)
18. Is there a means of egress (exit) from buildings used for sleeping quarters by 30 or more persons protected by a minimum of three-quarter hour fire-resistant construction? NYCHC 48.15(a)(9)
19. Are fire extinguishers provided, placed in strategic and easily accessible points, inspected, tagged and in working order? NYCHC 48.15(a)(3, 8)
20. Is an automatic fire detection system with adequate smoke detectors provided in buildings 3 stories or more in height used for sleeping quarters? NYCHC 48.15(a)(10)
21. Are lighted exit signs provided in rooms occupied by 15 or more people or where exits are not readily visible? NYCHC 48.15(a)(15)
22. Is emergency lighting provided for halls and stairways where required? NYCHC 48.15(a)(16)
23. Are all existing electrical wiring and fixtures in good repair and safe condition? NYCHC 48.19(d)
24. Are tents housing five or more persons of fiber-impregnated flame-retardant variety or equivalent? NYCHC 48.15(a)(7)
25. Are all indoor and outdoor summer camp equipment used by campers (play equipment and/or furniture) properly installed, maintained, in good repair and of safe design? NYCHC 48.15(b)
26. Will all vehicles used by campers be provided with a DOT inspection sticker, equipped with a first aid kit, tools, fire extinguishers, and flares or emergency warning triangles? NYCHC 48.23(a)
27. Is the main drain grate of the pool securely in place and in good repair? NYCHC 48.13(a)(1); NYSSC 6-1.10(e)
28. Is the pool bottom clearly visible? NYCHC 48.13(a)(1); NYSSC 6-1.4(b)(9), 6-1.17(e, f)
29. Is the pool or deck area free of glass, sharp objects, or hidden dangers? NYCHC 48.13(a)(1); NYSSC 6-1.4(b)(16)
30. Are proper depth markings provided at swimming pools or at piers, floats and platforms used for diving? NYCHC 48.13(a)(1)(ix); NYSSC 6-1.29(6.1)
31. Is the minimum lifesaving equipment provided at the swimming pool or waterfront as required?
- Two rescue tubes with six feet of line or two U.S. Coast Guard-approved ring buoys at least 18 inches in diameter fitted with a quarter-inch diameter line with a length of 1.5 times the maximum width of the pool or 50 feet, whichever is less;
- One reaching pole 15 feet long;
- Any commercially prepared 24-unit first aid kit or, a minimum supply of band-aids, bandage compresses and self-adhering gauze bandages;
- A spine board, minimum size 6 foot long and 16 inches wide, with at least 10 handholds, and straps to hold and immobilize a victim;
- A pocket face mask to assist with CPR. NYCHC 48.13(a)(1)(iv); NYSSC 6-1.23(b), 6-1.29(6.3)
32. Is there a 20 feet horizontal clearance between pool and overhead electrical wires? Are unprotected circuits or wiring not within 10’ of pool? Is adequate emergency lighting provided? NYCHC 48.13(a); NYSSC 6-1.17(a), (b)(i)
33. Is an emergency exit from pool room provided and clearly marked? NYCHC 48.13(a); NYSSC 6-1.29(6.5)
34. Is the pool area properly enclosed, secured during non-use, and equipped with sufficient elevated towers or lookout stations? NYCHC 48.13(a); NYSSC 6-1.16; 6-1.23(b)(2)
35. Are kitchens, dining areas and food service operations in compliance with the applicable provisions of NYC Health Code? NYCHC 48.15(f)
36. Are facilities provided for proper storage of food where campers are allowed to bring food from home? NYCHC 48.15(f)(3)
37. Is plumbing properly maintained: hand-washing facilities provided, hot and cold running water provided? NYCHC 81.21a, 81.29(c)
38. Are the floors, walls and ceilings of food preparation area(s) clean, free from peeling paint? NYCHC 81.21(e, f)
39. Are the ventilation and lighting in the food preparation area(s) properly maintained? NYCHC 81.19(c)
40. Are food contact surfaces (counter, cutting boards, etc.) properly constructed, installed or located? NYCHC 81.31(b)
伟博教育经美国政府注册,具有课后班和暑期夏令营的执照,教室明亮宽敞,干净整洁,冷暖气充足。暑期班现在点击 查看夏令营详课程安排
Requirements for Children’s Camps in New York State
Summer Camp Self-Certification Checklist – NYC.gov