
SHSAT 纽约市特殊高中的标准化入学考试


还有SHSAT!Specialized High School Admission tests (又称SHSAT)是由教育部统一管理,为纽约市居民提供入读纽约市特殊高中的标准化入学考试。

区别于普通高中,这些公立高中有一个单独的入学程序,并且具有高度选择性。这些高中以拥有广泛的职业人脉、常春藤盟校(Ivy League)的高录取率、许多领域的国家级奖项、以及为学生提供众多具有挑战性的大学预备课程而闻名。

2016年,在参加SHSAT的28,000多名学生中,只有约18% 的学生脱颖而出,在特殊高中占有一席之地。不管怎么说,SHSAT的分数是决定了你是否能入读特殊高中学习的唯一方式。这也意味着未考试做好准备是至关重要的。

考试对象 Who can take this test?

学生必须是纽约市居民,并且目前就读八年级或者第一次就读九年级,才能报名、参加SHSAT和拉瓜迪亚高中的表演面试,并收到测试和表演面试的结果。纽约市一种有九所特殊高中,其中有八所入学要求SHSAT分数。这些学校是根据纽约州法律2590G部分而设立的。只有Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School of Music & Art and Performance Arts 不需要SHSAT成绩,他采用表演面试法录取学生。



  • 布朗士科学高中 Bronx High School of Science
  • 布鲁克林拉丁学校 Brooklyn Latin School
  • 布鲁克林技术高中 Brooklyn Technical High School
  • 城市学院数学科学和工程高中 High School for Math, Science, and Engineering at City College
  • 莱曼学院美国研究高中 High School for American Studies at Lehman College
  • 约克学院皇后区科学高中 Queen High School for the Sciences at York College
  • 史丹顿岛科技高中 Staten Island Technical High School
  • 史岱文森高中 Stuyvesant High School


People must have heard of many top elite high school such as Stuyvesant, Bronx science, Brooklyn Tech, and many other top elite high school in New York City. These High schools are known as top schools with wide career connections, high Ivy League acceptance rates, national awards in many fields, and numerous challenging college preparation courses available for students.




英语编辑 (20题)




填空形式的运用题和计算题 (5 题)


August 22, 2018
SHSAT for students new to NYC who arrived after the fall 2017 test date. Test will be administered at Stuyvesant High School. Students will be taking the fall 2017 version of the SHSAT, so use practice materials geared for that iteration.
August 28, 2018
LaGuardia audition for students new to NYC who arrived after the fall 2017 audition dates. Auditions will be held at LaGuardia High School.
September 12 to October 12, 2018
Registration period for the fall 2018 SHSAT and LaGuardia audition. Make sure to request your ticket before the October 11 deadline!
Saturday, October 20 or Sunday, October 21, 2018
SHSAT dates for 8th-and 9th-graders applying to enter high school in September 2019.
November 1st
SHSAT date for students taking the exam at their school as part of a pilot program.
Saturday, November 3 or Sunday, November 18, 2018
SHSAT dates for English language learners, students with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) or 504 plans that included testing accommodations, and students granted a make-up test.



Our program prepares students to be SHSAT ready by utilizing SHSAT handbook along with daily practices and new exam taking skills. We also have writing classes to help students improve on the writing section of the shsat. At Weibo, we have many experienced English, Mathematic, and Writing tutors to aid students on their path to be SHSAT ready.

伟博 SHSAT 课程安排

SHSAT 课后辅导 Mon. – Fri. 2:00pm-6:00pm

SHSAT 星期六  9:00am-12:00pm 1:00pm-4:00pm

特殊高中补习班报名 & 下载特殊高中中文手册

Position: Interpreter and Translator

Location: Flushing, NY

Job duties:

  1. Translate or interpret messages and materials simultaneously or consecutively into target languages (English or Chinese) during clients’ consultation to ensure accuracy in information content, context, and style.
  2. Absorb, comprehend and interpret statements of the clients and the teachers, taking audiences’ cognitive capacities into consideration; tackle and correct language misunderstanding and cultural confusions to achieve effective communication.
  3. Compare original document texts with target language and confer with supervisor to ensure that translations retain coherent content, meaning, and style of the original materials.
  4. Conduct translation of educational terminologies and texts within textbooks and study materials to ensure that they are accurate and remain consistent throughout translation revisions.
  5. Compile educational information and technical terms into glossaries and terminology databases to be used in translations.
  6. Edit and review school’s bilingual promotion materials that to be used on the website, brochures, flyers and outdoor advertising media.

Education: Bachelor Degree in the major of TESOL/ESL

Location of Employment: 140-22 Beech Avenue, Floor SC, Suite A, Flushing, NY 11355

Contact: Please mail resume to Wei Bo Learning Organization Inc., Attn: Jianbo Wei, 140-22 Beech Avenue, Floor SC, Suite A, Flushing, NY 11355